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Medical Weight Loss Clinic

OUR GOALS: To help you build a strong body, self-confidence and to help you achieve your goals of a healthier and fuller life.

We get it, weight management is so complicated. We recognise that weight gain is related to a vast number of intersecting factors including:

  • hormones

  • lifestyle exposures/patterns

  • genetics

  • chronic stress

  • trauma

  • gut microbiome

  • sleep disturbance and shift work

  • eating patterns.

From an evolutionary perspective, food availability has often been seasonal and not readily available so our bodies have evolved to resist weight loss in preference of enery storage.  

Our 12 Week Medical Weight Loss Program is a sustainable approach to lasting results with nutrition, exercise, weight loss medication,
hormonal support and individual coaching. 

Weight Loss Medications


There are a number of medications that can help with weight loss. We can help you decide which will be best for you. 


Naltrexone/buproprion (Contrave)

This medication reduces food cravings so can be helpful where emotional eating patterns/hormones contribute to weight.


GLP-1 agonists such as Liraglutide (Saxenda)

These can induce weight loss, and are especially effective for those with diabetes. 



This is an apetite suppressant that can reducing the amount of hunger your feel, and help with weight loss by when combined with exercise and nutrition.​

Our Team

Get in touch, we'd love the help.

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