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Ōtepoti Integrative Health

Our mahi is to work alongside you with a collaborative, holistic approach to hauora.

What is different about a lifestyle and integrative medicine, whole-person centered approach?

  • We work collaboratively with you to investigate, manage and support you to achieve your health goals. ​

  • We take considerable time (first consult is usually 50 minutes, follow-up appointments are between 25-50 min, dependent on your needs) to understand you as a whole person, your life and relationships and stressors that impact on your health.

  • We aim is to provide exceptional, compassionate and personalised care to all our clients.​​​

  • We take a comprehensive history to look at the interactions between genetic/biological, psychological, relational, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic health issues.


  • We provide examinations (for in-person consults) and investigations to provide insight and understanding into the underlying root causes of illness as well as factors contributing towards illness that can be modified. We work with you to create a treatment plan that involves diet and nutrition, exercise and movement, stress management, sleep and rest, and targeted nutraceutical and pharmaceutical therapies.

  • If desired, we support and provide scientific evidence-based advice and risks around body identical hormones, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), nutraceuticals and targeted pharmaceutical medications and/or work alongside your existing conventional medicine regime depending on your preference. 

  • We work alongside your primary health care provider and other care providers you seek support from for your healing journey.


 To support women and their whanau to experience optimal physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing through every stage of their lives.


  1. Support women at each stage in their life by providing compassionate, evidence-based care enabling them make fully informed health choices to achieve optimal health and well-being.

  2. Increase awareness of the impact of women's health concerns on all aspects of women's lives, including homelife, relationships and in the workplace

  3. Advocate for New Zealand women to have access to the most beneficial and safest therapies and for research and funding to be directed towards improving women's health. 


Hauora - Holistic health and wellbeing

Whanaungatanga - Building relationships, understanding connections between client, whahau, environment, health and wellbeing

Manaakitanga - Care is at the heart of what we do. 

Whakamana - empowering women and their whanau to meet their health and wellbeing potential. 

Book your appointment

Explore your health issues from a lifestyle and integrative medicine perspective.

We would love to work with you.

© 2022 Ōtepoti Integrative Health

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